Narendra Modi V/s Pushkar Tharoor, analysis of Narendra Modi Pushkar Tharoor statement
Sunanda Pushkar and Shahi Tharoor do make a good looking couple. It took them two failed marriages each to find each other . Looks, power and money – a potent combination indeed. I hope that they finally find some stability that most Indians take for granted. However, they are as relevant to the plight of aam aadmi as a bicycle is to a fish. Which is why, I have a bone to pick with Bhai Narendra Modi. He is too big and important to waste even a breath on someone like Pushkar. He needs to focus on the 2014 election like Arjun on the eye of the fish and not get distracted.
Having said that, I would like to examine the statement he made. He called Pushkar a 50 crore girlfriend. Now it could mean that Tharoor paid 50 crore to get her (which would be offensive if true) or it could mean that she is worth 50 crores (which is true and harmless / inane). It is not like Modi to mean the former because it is simply not true. What is true is that Pushkar was involved in wheeling and dealing of the IPL Kochi team and made a ton of money which would not have been possible if she were not using Tharoor’s influence. That makes her a social climber and Tharoor yet another Congressman. Her vitriol directed against Modi amuses me. A woman of her background should be careful lest someone decides to explore it. A 70 crore Sweetheart deal leveraging Tharoor's official position in the Government by a would-be is acceptable, whereas a mere mention of the term 50 core Girlfriend becomes derogatory. The entire English electronic media seems to have forgotten to see the "Quid-pro-quo" that is so freely mentioned in all the other scams being unearthed.
What really bothers me is the vitriol of these elitist feminists who seem to have been rankled badly and are berating Modi in severe terms. The same women seem to keep quiet and are never heard from on topics like the rape epidemic in Congress ruled Haryana or dowry cases or female trafficking or female feticide or domestic violence or innumerable other tortures being inflicted routinely on our sisters and daughters. That my dear readers, is what upsets me. Pushkar is not an innocent victim and is far from being helpless. Yet she gets all the help from these women. That speaks volumes about Pushkar and her supporters.
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