Why America Does Not Want Modi To Win
There is a saying in Urdu – “Begaani shaadi may Abdullah diwaana”. It means that Abdulla is going crazy over someone else getting married. Now the elections in India should be a matter for Indians to either get excited about (if you are the supporter of the perceived front-runner) or concern (if your party is on the verge of defeat). India’s immediate neighbors also have something to think about because the new PM could be a pliant weakling or a strong nationalist. For countries beyond our borders, especially the ones beyond the reach of our missiles, Indian elections should be an awe inspiring democratic exercise at best and an amusing spectacle at worst. Our trading partners have dealt with a socialist regime for over a decade. Now either they will deal with the same socialist government or deal with a more business friendly regime. Ideally they should have nothing to worry about, right?Wrong.
It seems that anti India Americans, a group adorned (much like a heap of excrement on a manicured lawn) by non-resident Indian leftists or people under their influence are testifying before a perpetual anti Indian Congressman Tom Lantos. Testifying before him is Katrina Lantos (how convenient), John Dayal, Robin Phillips and Joe Pitts (US Congressman on the payroll of Ghulam Nabi Fai who has spent time in jail on charges of spying for Pakistan). I am surprised that Angana Chatterji, Vijay Prashad (nephew of Brinda Karat), Biju Matthew and assorted Anti Indians were not there with their knives. The testimonies were the usual about Hindus, RSS and other groups. Are they trying to influence Indian elections? Yes. Can they really do something about it? The answer to that, thanks all the gods, is a resounding NO. But that is not stopping them from trying. In fact the US, the so called protectors and keepers of Democracy have done all they can to undermine Indian democracy. And it is not just this election. They do so because they want to control, to the best of their abilities, the way India behaves with the rest of the world. It could be racism or because we are followers of a cult / lesser religion called Hinduism. All the Congress PMs have been pliant weaklings. The solo BJP PM so far was a Congressman in Saffron clothing. The thought of Modi as PM, a strong Hindu nationalist, is a scary one to the Americans. Fortunately for us, all their efforts to stop Modi have come to a naught. This latest hearing is the last stand against Narendra Modi, much like the man standing in front of a tsunami with an umbrella.
My response to Tom Lantos and the rest of the people testifying before him is a typical American response: You can kiss my dark brown, hirsute posterior (of course I am paraphrasing).
If Lantos’ constituents find out the amount of money that the US has given in aid to Pakistan since 1947 (especially after correcting for inflation), they would be shocked. If they are truly unbiased people then they will be even more shocked to hear that the percentage of Hindus in Pakistan since 1947 has gone down from 12 to 2. The shock would be greater if they find out how that number has gone down. They will be really flabbergasted to see that their beloved Congressman and his ilk whom they have been electing over and over again like brainless automatons have done absolutely NOTHING about that. Meanwhile the only country where Muslims can not only freely vote but also influence the polity gets berated by the likes of Lantos on a daily basis. Shame on these charlatans!
It is one thing for a leftist rag to write negatively about Hindu conservatives. But for elected officials of a country like US to take stands of this kind is not right. You see, if the next PM of India can jump start the Indian economy and ignore the US and its banks then who is the loser? Isn’t Lantos letting his personal prejudice hurt the Americans? The Europeans, Japanese (Shinzo Abe is looking forward to Modi getting elected) and Chinese have been doing business with Gujarat for a while. I don’t think that Russians or African or South American countries find it distasteful to do business with Hindu nationalists. I would humbly remind Lantos that the US used to and still does business with some of the scummiest people in the world.
My appeal to the Americans is as follows: Please let us exercise our right to vote whomever we want to chose. Stand with us and celebrate Democracy. Otherwise stop preaching and changing regimes the world over in the name of democracy.
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