Why Did India Invite Rehman Malik

Why Did India Invite Rehman Malik?
Mr. B Raman, one of our foremost security experts says the following:

For India to expect that Pakistan Interior Minister Rehman Malik and his police will act against the ISI-protected Lashkar-e-Tayiba is to live in a fool's paradise.
By announcing the arrest of another suspect in the Samjhauta explosion during his visit, we have unwittingly given him an opportunity to go back to Pakistan and claim to the fundamentalists and the Army that he succeeded in forcing India to act against the remaining suspects in the Samjhauta case. This shows how naive we can be in matters concerning Pakistan.
NV Subramanian whom we admire greatly, writes the following:

Those in this country that speak of peace with Pakistan (the flag-bearers of Aman ki Asha) have not the faintest notion of Pakistan’s founding ideology, the Two-Nation Theory of Hindus and Muslims being never able to co-exist, which has put Pakistan forever in violent competition and confrontation mode with India, whose by-products are terrorist leaders such as Hafiz Mohammed Sayeed. Rehman Malik, who controversially visited India last week, is merely a buffoonish sample of Establishment Pakistan’s dyed-in-the-wool India baiters.

Pakistan is not ready for peace with India. It does not want peace. Peace with India militates against its founding ideology.

Mr. MJ Akbar who is one of the most level headed (for the most part) journalists, wrote the following:

Have Dr Manmohan Singh and Mrs Sonia Gandhi decided that it is time India forgot about Mumbai and moved on, as Rehman Malik publicly urged India to do? I imagine that our leaders squirmed a little when Rehman Malik declared Hafiz Saeed innocent, or indeed when he blamed the death of Kargil martyr Saurabh Kalia on the weather rather than enemy atrocity.

A majority of Indians wants peace with Pakistan, but they want peace with justice. Indians know that Mumbai might fade from memory but will never disappear, and that Pakistan can do something to ease the pain. Pakistan can ensure that the Mumbai masterminds do not laugh derisively while Indian hearts burn. Is that too much to ask, Dr Singh?

The two words which stand out in the Raman article are fool and naïve. That aptly describes a lot of people involved in the current “peace talks”. What become clear from the Subramanian article is our attitude towards peace at all costs, ignoring the history (and doomed to repeat it over and over). The Akbar article only reinforces the Subramanian contention. Our home ministers are people who are known better for their dress sense than abilities. The current guy kept addressing Hafiz Syed as Mr. or Shri Syed. Wow! Narendra Modi is referred to as “Maut ka Saudagar “ by Shinde’s Boss while a murdering terrorist is treated with respect! This is what happens when your foreign policy is based on hope and good faith rather than strength and realistic diplomacy. Basic things like human dignity and justice were sacrificed by Manmohan Singh’s desire for peace with Pakistan. Our own Atalji, who was a Paki-phile, feted and treated that bastard Pervez Musharraf with state honors and hospitality. All he did was piss all over us and insult us at every stage possible. Of course it is too much to ask from our leaders to learn from history. They invited that bimbo of their foreign minister and we all know what came out of that. Not to be deterred by historical precedence, we invited Rehman Malik who essentially came over to cement his own political standing in Pakistan by pissing all over us and making himself look tough. Of course at the same time, we were showing our fair-mindedness and bolstering our secular credentials by arresting yet another hapless Hindu for Samjhauta express bombing. A lamppost would have shown better gumption and backbone than our current leaders.

Peace with India is not beneficial to Pakistan’s establishment or army. To buy time (while they try to deal with problems with the US / Afghanistan), they make meaningless concessions to our government who is so desperate to show an achievement that they fall for simple Paki tricks.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. What do we say about fooling me the umpteenth number of times?
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The Raman article can be read at: http://www.rediff.com/news/slide-show/slide-show-1-malik-s-india-visit-how-naive-can-we-be/20121217.htm
The Subramanian article can be read at: http://newsinsight.net/Stuckintherut.aspx#page=page-1
The Akbar article can be read at: http://www.sunday-guardian.com/analysis/peace-but-with-justice
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