jyoti singh pandey 23 yr old Letter to her mother

jyoti singh pandey 23 yr old Letter to her mother
As U r all aware by now jyoti singh pandey  could not speak due to breathing problems n constant organ failures. So she communicated by writing notes. These have been put together by her mother on her tragic death n released. They go like this.

I AM SORRY, MOM, I CAN'T FIGHT ANY MORE !!I still remember, mom when once you and dad asked me what I need to do in my life. I replied I will reduce the pain of other people and became a physiotherapist so that I can try my level best to reduce the pain of others. But today I am not able to resist my own pain.
Doctors are slashing my body parts for the fifth time like they were never the parts of my body, it is paining a lot, mom.
I am not able to breathe properly and they attached an oxygen cap.

please tell the doctors not to give me the anesthesia, mom.
I am scared.
I don’t want to close my eyes.
If I close my eyes it takes me to that scary phase of my life where I was being cut into pieces.
I was just a bunch of flesh which was being continuously chopped by those animals.
Those faces were very scary, mom
They were like those hungry animals who were biting at every part of my body.

I don’t have the courage to look at myself in the mirror.
Mom, please break all the mirrors near me.

Pls take me to the bath. I want to bathe.
I want to sit under the shower for years mom so that I can wash the inhuman touch which has made me hate my own body.
I tried to go towards bathroom but my stomach pain didn’t allow me to move myself.
I can’t raise my head to see you standing outside the door.
When someone enters in my room I feel very scared, mom.
My heartbeats gets faster and my eyes search for you.
Please be around me. I don’t want to be alone.
Mom these medical instrument beeps are haunting my brain.
They sound like those unhelping traffic sounds which muted my cry and pleads which I was doing at that time, mom.
The silence of this room reminds me of that silence when I was thrown on the deserted road.

I don’t know what happened but I was feeling very cold the same way like a person shivering with very high temperature.
Mom, do you remember once when dad slapped me in childhood, how much you fought with him
until dad brought my favorite chocolate
Where is dad, mom?? I can’t see him..
is he ok mom ???
Please don’t let him cry, mom.
Do you remember once how dad got angry on you when you used to shout at me for anything?
They have beaten me and my dearest friend with some metal rod.
It was paining a lot, mom.
I saw how he was bleeding to save me but they were cowards.
They kept on beating him till he collapsed and then they scratched every part of my body repeatedly, mom.
You always taught me to fight with difficult situations but I am very weak in this situation.
please hold my hand, mom, I want to sleep, mom, please put my head in your lap.
Please wash my body.
Give me some pain killers, my stomach is paining.
Please tell the doctor not to cut more parts of my body. its paining a lot.
I am sorry, mom, I can’t fight any more.

We don't Know if this is true. but what she suffered was definitely much more than what we can read here.What scares US is how many such jyoti singh pandey  are going unnoticed and un-cared for in our society. We don't even know how deep is the decease in our society. We don't even know how to set right things in our society. Glad nearing the end of my race and would be saved from seeing further degradation!

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Delhi Gangrape and Congress

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  1. it is just impossible to read this....i cannot even imagine what she must have gone through !!!!!
    Reading this made my body shiver what that poor girl must have gone through is just par my imagination.What was her mistake???She was the ideal daughter,ideal sister...she wanted to support her family and reduce troubles of her parents and she was killed by such people who have achieved nothing in their life!!!!!
    This incident has left me numb!!!!I only pray that her family can overcome this phase and culprits are given very harsh punishment !!!!!
    May she Rest in Peace !!!

  2. oh! dear poor girl.how harsh those animals are? how dare they and who gave them these rights to snatch someone else's freedom.they should be dragged to the public road n evry 1 should get a chance to beat them upto their satisfaction.wild beasts!!!!

  3. The pieces of crap who did this to this wonderful, awesome, beautiful woman should be kicked, punched, beaten, whipped, chained, tied up, stoned to death and thrown in the river by a large group of people of all ages. They are less than manure and also deserve to be laughed at afterwards. I would love to kick their heads in really hard myself. I have no respect for them at all. Hope they suffer too much pain and hope they get humiliated, punched, kicked, defecated on, urinated on, and beaten to death by the woman's family and friends!!!! Hope that from now onwards, there is more and more protection for the people of India, both women and men. Hope this woman's boyfriend/fiancé will fully recover. This woman must be in heaven now.

  4. I hope the worthless pieces of crap who harmed this poor unfortunate, yet beautiful, lovely, kind young lady get the crap they deserve. Hopefully, they will be beaten up severely, tied up, whipped and thrown into a filthy stinky rotten river, laughed at and drowned. They are not men, they are piles of bloody crap! This woman who endured all this is in heaven right now rejoicing! Hopefully, India will be a much safer place from now on for women and also for men and children. I would love to beat the these asses that harmed this woman to death myself and laugh afterwards.

  5. Im crying right how could they be so cruel to such an innocent soul grant da little girl her wish burn those bastards alive!

  6. Agree with you all, Its so very painful and equally makes you feel so helpless too.

  7. For sure nothing will be change by these emotions.we need to show it in our work...so no centi plz...b strong to fight for against it.

  8. For sure nothing will be change by these emotions.we need to show it in our work...so no centi plz...b strong to fight for against it.

  9. its really paining to read this..more practically its really difficult to imagine how that girl beared that pain and how her mom could see her daughter feeling that pain...those idiots are to killed on road bloody bastards..if we be harsh to atleast one the others start fearing to this.....

  10. Reading this brought tears in my eyes..i cant even dare to imagine that hillarious situation form which she had been through..those six men cannot be even compared to animals..they are the worst part of society..

  11. I cried for her and her family. I demand justice and hope these beasts will meet their horrible end because they don't deserve to live after they have done.
    Jyoti Singh Pandey may your kind loving soul rest in peace.

  12. Am sad so sad and felt her helplessness on that night. I wake up thinking that could have happen to anyone and it happened to you. It is not fair. Your family will miss you but in your braveness you lost your life

  13. I cried for her and her family. I demand justice and hope these beasts will meet their horrible end because they don't deserve to live after they have done.
    Jyoti Singh Pandey may your kind loving soul rest in peace.
