Who Is Afraid Of The Owaisi Hate Speech? Am I afraid of the Owaisi Hate Speech? I am not afraid but concerned. There are a lot of criminal elements who are also unemployed who can take this kind of message to heart and do real damage to the nation. Why am I not afraid? It is because I know the truth and as the Bible says – the truth shall set you free. What is the truth about Owaisi’s speech? Even a cursory knowledge of History will tell you what is the nature of religions which espouse conversion? Those are violent religions. Christianity has come out of it and now they spread their religion by using soft power. Muslims are caught in a time warp. The reason is not important. What is important is that they think of non Muslims as lesser and thus disposable people especially the non-Semitic kind (Muslims refer to Christians and Jews as “hum-kitab” which means they all refer to the Old Testament). We all know about the oppressive Mughal rule, liberal lies about Akbar’s secularism notwithstanding. Of course during the British rule and after independence, the Muslims found themselves in the minority which has forced them to conceal. But that feeling gets exposed from time to time. When I threw colored water on a Muslim (without know so) during Holi, I got hit in the head with a brick. I was four years old. I have some personal experience in the matter.
I may be worried or even scared a bit by such venom flowing freely the country but I am NOT surprised. I would expect nothing less from an Islamic party. What do I do about it? I vote for the only Hindu Nationalist party that we have. I cannot use violence so I use the other weapon I have. Money. I boycott Muslims businesses to the best of my abilities (can’t tell the difference all the time). Boycotting Muslim owned businesses until they disown this Owaisi bastard will be a good start. Believe me. When they feel the pinch in their pocket they will sing the right tune. Boycotts of this kind are very powerful tools especially when the Hindu middle class has an enormous spending power. All we have to do is to unite.Coming back to the original question i.e. who is scared of the Owaisi Hate speech? It is the liberals who are really scared. We know who Muslims truly are. The liberals want you to think otherwise. Who do you think Owaisi is proving wrong? Owaisi’s speech flies in the face of every self-righteous, pseudo-secular buffoon out there and mocks their carefully created charade that Muslims are a peace-loving people and Islam has something else to do other than complete submission. That is who is truly scared.
But what I don’t know is if the liberals are scared because of a possible damage to the country or because they being proven wrong. Since Arundhati Roy described the Maoists as Gandhians with guns, I don’t think they are afraid of possible damage to the nation. That is why all we have seen are carefully made statements / platitudes from the liberals and the English language media. They still are tiptoeing around the issue while Owaisi and his supporters are professing their hatred in no uncertain terms.
The Hindus need to wake up form their stupor and smell the fear. We need to shun violence at all cost but take every necessary step possible. Whether it is peaceful protests or boycotting Muslims businesses or pseudo-secular politicians, we need to make ourselves heard. If we do not prevail then we will be perished. It is as simple as that.
The Hindus need to wake up form their stupor and smell the fear. We need to shun violence at all cost but take every necessary step possible. Whether it is peaceful protests or boycotting Muslims businesses or pseudo-secular politicians, we need to make ourselves heard. If we do not prevail then we will be perished. It is as simple as that.
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