Pakistani hindus condition In Pakistan

Pakistani hindus condition In Pakistan, Who Cares For The Pakistani Hindus? 
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says Gilani is a man of peace. Pakistanis are saying they want to do business with us and want to resolve all the issues. Liberals and jholawalas are happy. Yup. All the problems have been solved. Manmohan’s charm offensive is finally paying dividends.

Now where have we seen all this before? It seems life a formulaic Hindi movie where brother unite at the end. Alas those are movies and some of them were even funny. This is real life. Those who can see are shaking their heads in disgust. If you scroll down, you will see that we wrote on this blog about this very topic. We are falling for the wily Pakistanis again for the umpteenth time. Pakistanis need to have peace on the eastern from to deal with the Americans. When the US leaves Afghanistan, the pakis will go back to their original selves. I would be willing to bet some money on that. Why? I will try to explain. Please forgive my meandering but I have to make my case.

Recently, some prominent Hindus in Pakistan were gunned down. In Sindh area, Hindu girls have been kidnapped, forcibly converted and married off to Muslims. Hindus in Lahore area have adopted Muslim names to survive. The 12% Hindus in Pakistan at the time of partition is now down to 2%. They were either killed or converted. Hindus who come to India do not want to go back. Why is that? If the pakis claim to be who they are then why would the Hindus need to live like this? After all, even in the scary badlands of Gujarat that is ruled by the devil himself (i.e. Bhai Narendra) Muslims are not only living well but also prospering. They do not call themselves Hindu names or are afraid that their women would be forcibly converted.
As much as the pakis would like to harp upon the secular credentials of Jinnah, the fact is that he was an opportunistic, “al taqqiya” practicing bastard. People who followed him are worse. In fact the downward spiral achieved Dante’s Inferno like status during Zia ul Haq days. Now of course it is pure hell. Forget the Hindus, the terrorists are not even sparing the few remaining moderate Muslims. How did this happen? As we wrote on this blog last year and as was written by Amir Mir to no ones surprise that the Pakistani textbooks are teaching hatred. This kind of systematic brainwashing has now polluted at least the last two or three generations of pakis. The paki polity and the army are filled with these terrorist automatons. How can we even think of achieving peace with this kind of ideology permeating through various layers of paki society?

Does that mean we should abandon attempts to at least achieve a functional peace. We should not. We should communicate with them. Speak softly but carry a huge stick. Go in with eyes ears and brains open and closed hearts. Emotions should never enter the picture. Leave the “mere dushman mere bhai” sentiments to the idiots from Bollywood.

In the interim, what do we do about the remaining Hindus in Pakistan? Or for that matter Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and elsewhere? For that I propose the Israel model. India is the only country for Hindus, political secularism aside. We can migrate to the west but at the end of the day, it is the only place for us. For the Hindus of the world, we should open our borders. If they can establish their ancestral roots in India, then they should be welcomed with open arms. India should be the lighthouse for the Hindus who are lost at sea. This goes double for our hapless brothers and sisters from Pakistan. GoI should not only let them live here but also help them make a life here.
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