I am still waiting for RSS and Gadkari to do the right thing. Hope is a strange thing. Makes you challenge your own beliefs. After it became abundantly clear that not only was Gadkari and incompetent and a loudmouth but also a corrupt crook, one believed that the RSS elders would force him out. After all, the RSS is bigger than them and Gadkari. What has transpired since has established that the RSS elders are men with usual weaknesses and huge egos. I suppose that since they inflicted Gadkari on the BJP, they are still supporting him. They say that it is BJP’s internal matter but whom are they fooling? In a heartfelt article, Mr. R Jaganathan quotes the following by Mohan Bhagwat:
"For every one bad thing, there are 10 good things happening in the country. But good things don't make news,"
Mohan Bhagwat Should Dump Gadkari "Gadkari as an individual and the BJP as party have to answer the questions raised."
"It's not important how much money has been earned. It's important how it has been put to use, whether it has been put to good use or not.”
Mr. Jaganathan dissects and discusses these points in a way, which you HAVE to read.
I do not expect Gadkari to do the right thing. He is a fat Indian who fainted in the sun. Even Sonia Gandhi, who is a European, has never fainted in the sun. What kind of privileged life has this guy led? Obviously, he is not the kind who can empathize with the aam aadmi. He is a man in cahoots with Sharad Pawar who along with others epitomizes all that is wrong with Indian politics. But we expect better things from the RSS elders.
Like many of us, I grew attending shakhas and listened to elders in our families about the greatness that was RSS. We have looked up to the organization and felt pride in being part of it. I have always sought out ways I can help the organization. A lot of times it feels that RSS is the only organization, which will save India as a home for Hindus. RSS elders have a responsibility, which they do not seem to understand. Mohan Bhagwat is not RSS. RSS will go on forever but he will not. He has no right to besmirch an organization because of his blind love for someone like Gadkari. In fact his love for Gadkari and hatred for Narendra Modi will enable Congress to win the next election.
Mr. Bhagwat needs to swallow his pride and do the right thing. Acknowledge his mistake and get rid of this man who is making the BJP look like a Congress clone instead of the party with a difference. If he does not then he is risking sullying the reputation of an organization we all love and he claims to protect.
Mr. Jaganathan's excellent article can be read at:
"For every one bad thing, there are 10 good things happening in the country. But good things don't make news,"
Mohan Bhagwat Should Dump Gadkari "Gadkari as an individual and the BJP as party have to answer the questions raised."
"It's not important how much money has been earned. It's important how it has been put to use, whether it has been put to good use or not.”
Mr. Jaganathan dissects and discusses these points in a way, which you HAVE to read.
I do not expect Gadkari to do the right thing. He is a fat Indian who fainted in the sun. Even Sonia Gandhi, who is a European, has never fainted in the sun. What kind of privileged life has this guy led? Obviously, he is not the kind who can empathize with the aam aadmi. He is a man in cahoots with Sharad Pawar who along with others epitomizes all that is wrong with Indian politics. But we expect better things from the RSS elders.
Like many of us, I grew attending shakhas and listened to elders in our families about the greatness that was RSS. We have looked up to the organization and felt pride in being part of it. I have always sought out ways I can help the organization. A lot of times it feels that RSS is the only organization, which will save India as a home for Hindus. RSS elders have a responsibility, which they do not seem to understand. Mohan Bhagwat is not RSS. RSS will go on forever but he will not. He has no right to besmirch an organization because of his blind love for someone like Gadkari. In fact his love for Gadkari and hatred for Narendra Modi will enable Congress to win the next election.
Mr. Bhagwat needs to swallow his pride and do the right thing. Acknowledge his mistake and get rid of this man who is making the BJP look like a Congress clone instead of the party with a difference. If he does not then he is risking sullying the reputation of an organization we all love and he claims to protect.
Mr. Jaganathan's excellent article can be read at:
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