Rahul Gandhi: "I feel ashamed to call myself an INDIAN after seeing what has happened here in UP".

Please don't be ashamed of Uttar Pradesh yet. Congress ruled the State for the Majority of the duration
Pre Independence to Post Independence.. from 1939 to 1989 ( barring the Periods of Emergency..
Thanks to your Grand Mom Indira G. and a couple of transitional Governments)
8 out of the total 14 Prime Ministers of India have been from UP, 6 out of those 8 have been from Congress...
I think your party had more than half a century and half a Dozen PM's to build a State...
The Reason Mulayam Singh, subsequently came to Power is because your party wasn't exactly Gandhian in their
dealings in the State.. So May be If you look at in totality the present chaos in UP is the outcome of the glorious
leadership displayed by Congress in UP for about 50 years!
So Please don't feel ashamed as yet Dear Rahul.. For Mayawati is only using the Land Acquisition Bill which your
party had itself used to LOOT the Farmers many times in the Past!
Not that I Endorse what Mayawati is doing.. What Mayawati is doing is Unacceptable..
But the past actions of your party and your recent comments, puts a question mark on your INTENT and CONSISTENCY.

But don't be disappointed, I would give you ample reasons to feel ashamed...
You really want to feel Ashamed..?
First Ask Pranav Mukherjee, Why isn't he giving the details of the account holders in the Swiss Banks.
Ask your Mother, Who is impeding the Investigation against Hasan Ali in the 74,000 Crore tax evasion case ?

Ask her, Who got 60% Kickbacks in the 2G Scam ?
Kalamdi is accused of a Few hundred Crores, Who Pocketed the Rest in the Common Wealth Games?
Ask Praful Patel who made Indian Airlines so Sick? Why did Air India let go of the Profitable Routes ?
Why should the Tax Payer pay for the Air India losses?
Also, You People can't run an Airline Properly. How can we expect you to run the Nation?
Ask Manmohan Singh. Why/What kept him quiet all this while?
People say He is Honest. Honest to the Nation, or Honest to a PERSON?
THE CBI raided the vault of the Reserve Bank of India and found a huge cache of COUNTERFEIT
INDIAN currency lying in the denomination of 500 and 1000. IN THE RESERVE BANK OF INDIA???
Why is the Govt. of India quiet on that ?
So, Could the reasons for sustained INFLATION be MORE related to POLITICS than ECONOMICS?

Who let the BHOPAL GAS TRAGEDY Accused go Scot Free? (20,000 People died in that Tragedy)
Who ordered the State Sponsored Massacre of SIKHS in 84?
Please read more about, How Indira Gandhi pushed the Nation Under Emergency in 76-77,
after the HC declared her election to Lok Sabha Void!
(I bet She had utmost respect for DEMOCRACY and JUDICIARY and FREE PRESS)
I guess you know the answers already. So My question is, Why the Double Standards in Judging Mayawati
and members of your Family and Party?
I condemn Mayawati. But Is She the only one you feel Ashamed for?
What about the ones close to you? For their contribution to the Nation's Misery is beyond comparison.
You talk about the Land being taken away from the Farmers. How many Suicides have happened under your
Parties Rule in Vidarbha ? Does that Not Ashame You ?

Your Party gave those Farmers a 72,000 Crore Loan Waiver. Which didn't even reach the Farmers by the way.
So, Why don't you focus on implementing the policies which your govt.
has undertaken, instead of earning brownie points by trying to manufacture consent by
bombarding us with pictures of having food with Poor Villagers....
You want to feel ashamed. You can feel ashamed for your Party taking CREDIT for DEBITING
the Public Money (72,000 crores) from the Government Coffers and literally Wasting it...

You want to feel ashamed.. Feel ashamed for that...

Dear Rahul, to refresh your memory, you were arrested/detained by the FBI the BOSTON Airport in September 2001.
You were carrying with you $ 1,60,000 in Cash. You couldn't explain why you were carrying so much Cash.
Incidentally He was with his Columbian girlfriend Veronique Cartelli, ALLEGEDLY, the Daughter of Drug Mafia.
9 HOURS he was kept at the Airport.
Later then freed on the intervention of the then Prime Minister Mr. Vajpayee..
FBI filed an equivalent of an FIR in US and released him.
When FBI was asked to divulge the information, by Right/Freedom to Information Activists about the reasons Rahul was arrested ...
FBI asked for a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from Rahul Gandhi.
So Subramaniyam Swami wrote a Letter to Rahul Gandhi, " If you have NOTHING to HIDE, Give us the Permission"
Why did that arrest not make Headlines Rahul? You could have gone to the Media and told,
"I am ashamed to call myself an INDIAN?".
Or is it that, you only do like to highlight Symbolic Arrests (like in UP) and not Actual Arrests ( In BOSTON)

Kindly Clarify.....
In any case, you want to feel ashamed, Read Along...

Dr. SUBRAMANIYAM SWAMI (The Man who Exposed the 2G Scam) sent a letter to the PRESIDENT OF INDIA bringing the same
to his Notice.
PRESIDENT OF INDIA sent a letter to Sonia Gandhi to this effect, 3:30 PM, May 17th, 2004.
Swearing Ceremony was scheduled for 5 PM the same Day.
Manmohan Singh was brought in the Picture at the last moment to Save Face!!

Rest of the SACRIFICE DRAMA which she choreographed was an EYE WASH!!!
Infact Sonia Gandhi had sent, 340 letters, each signed by different MP to the PRESIDENT KALAM, supporting her
candidacy for PM.
One of those letters read, I Sonia Gandhi, elected Member from Rai Bareli, hereby propose Sonia Gandhi as
Prime Minister.
So SHE was Pretty INTERESTED! Until She came to know the Facts!
So She didn't make any Sacrifice, It so happens that SONIA GANDHI couldn't have become the PM of INDIA that time.

You could be Ashamed about that Dear Rahul!! One Credential Sonia G had, Even that was a HOAX!

You go to Harvard on Donation Quota. ( Hindujas Gave HARVARD 11 million dollars the same year, when Rajiv Gandhi
was in Power)
Then you are expelled in 3 Months/ You Dropped out in 3 Months.... ( Sadly Manmohan Singh wasn't the Dean of
Harvard that time, else you might have had a chance... Too Bad, there is only one Manmohan Singh!)
Some Accounts say, You had to Drop out because of Rajiv Gandhi's Assassination.
May be, But Then Why did you go about lying about being Masters in Economics from Harvard ..
before finally taking it off your Resume upon questioning by Dr.
SUBRAMANIYAM SWAMI (The Gentlemen who exposed the 2G Scam)
At St. Stephens.. You Fail the Hindi Exam.
Hindi Exam!!!
And you are representing the Biggest Hindi Speaking State of the Country?

Sonia G gave a sworn affidavit as a Candidate that She Studied English at University of Cambridge
According to Cambridge University, there is no such Student EVER!
Upon a Case by Dr. Subramaniyam Swami filed against her,
She subsequently dropped the CAMBRIDGE CREDENTIAL from her Affidavit.
Sonia Gandhi didn't even pass High School. She is just 5th class Pass!
In this sense, She shares a common Educational Background with her 2G Partner in Crime, Karunanidhi.
You Fake your Educational Degree, Your Mother Fakes her Educational Degree.
And then you go out saying, " We want Educated Youth into Politics!"

Not that Education is a Prerequisite for being a great Leader, but then
you shouldn't have lied about your qualifications!
You could feel a little ashamed about Lying about your Educational Qualifications.
You had your reasons I know, Because in India, WE RESPECT EDUCATION!
But who cares about Education, When you are a Youth Icon!!

You traveled in the Local Train for the first time at the Age of 38.
You went to some Villages as a part of Election Campaign.
And You won a Youth Icon!! ... That's why You are my Youth Icon.
For 25 Million People travel by Train Everyday. You are the First Person to win a Youth Icon for boarding a Train.
Thousands of Postmen go to remotest of Villages. None of them have yet gotten a Youth Icon.
You were neither YOUNG Nor ICONIC!
Still You became a Youth Icon beating Iconic and Younger Contenders like RAHUL DRAVID.
Shakespeare said, What's in a Name?
Little did he knew, It's all in the Name, Especially the Surname!
Speaking of Surname, Sir

Because the Name on your Passport(ITALIAN) is RAUL VINCI.
May be if you wrote your Surname as Gandhi, you would have experienced, what Gandhi feels like, LITERALLY ( Pun Intended)
You People don't seem to use Gandhi much, except when you are fighting Elections. ( There it makes complete sense).
Imagine fighting elections by the Name Raul Vinci...

It feels sadly Ironic, Gandhi Ji, who inspired Icons like Nelson Mandela ,
Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lennon, across the world, Couldn't inspire
members of his party/ Nehru's Family, who only seem to use his Surname for the purposes
of FIGHTING ELECTIONS and conveniently use a different name on their PASSPORT.

You could feel ashamed for your Double Standards.

Now You want Youth to Join Politics.
I say First you Join Politics.
Because you haven't Joined Politics. You have Joined a Family Business.
First you Join Politics. Win an Election fighting as RAUL VINCI and Not Rahul Gandhi,
then come and ask the youth and the Educated Brass for more involvement in Politics.
Also till then, Please don't give me examples of Sachin Pilot and Milind Deora and
Naveen Jindal as youth who have joined Politics..
They are not Politicians. They Just happen to be Politicians.
Much Like Abhishek Bachchan and other Star Sons are not Actors.
They just happen to be Actors (For Obvious Reasons)
So, We would appreciate if you stop requesting the Youth to Join Politics till you establish your credentials...

Rahul Baba, Please understand, Your Father had a lot of money in your Family account ( in Swiss Bank) when he died.
Ordinary Youth has to WORK FOR A LIVING.
If our Father had left thousands of Crores with us, We might consider doing the same..
But we have to Work. Not just for ourselves. But also for you. So that we can pay 30% of our Income to the Govt.
which can then be channelized to the Swiss Banks and your Personal Accounts under some Pseudo Names.
So Rahul, Please don't mind If the Youth doesn't Join Politics. We are doing our best to fund your Election
Campaigns and your Chopper Trips to the Villages.
Somebody has to Earn the Money that Politicians Feed On.

Air India, KG Gas Division, 2G, CWG, SWISS BANK Account Details... Hasan Ali, KGB.
Then Sonia Gandhi proclaimed ‘zero tolerance’ to corruption at a party rally in Allahabad in November 2010.
You want to feel ashamed..
Feel Ashamed for what the First Family of Politics has been reduced to...
A Money Laundering Enterprise.

For Indira didn't marry Mahatma Gandhi's Son.

You really want to feel Ashamed.
Feel Ashamed for what you ' SO CALLED GANDHI'S' have done to MAHATMA'S Legacy..
I so wish GANDHI JI had Copyrighted his Name!
Meanwhile, I would request Sonia Gandhi to change her name to $ONIA GANDHI,
and you could replace the 'R' in RAHUL/RAUL by the New Rupee Symbol!!!

RAUL VINCI : I am ashamed to call myself an Indian.
Even we are ashamed to call you so!

P.S: Popular Media is either bought or blackmailed, controlled to Manufacture Consent!
My Guess is Social Media is still a Democratic Platform. (Now they are trying to put legislations to censor that too!!)
Meanwhile, Let's ask these questions, for we deserve some Answers.
For we are all Gandhi's. For Bapu is the Father of the Nation!

To know more, Try looking for Dr. SUBRAMANIYAM SWAMI. He is the reason today 2G SCAM is being Investigated!!!
He also happens to be a FORMER UNION LAW MINISTER.
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  1. Dude! I salute you! I never knew this fact and still i hated this son of a bi*** i hate him even more now! And ya this is nothing new i remember once in election campaign for gujarat he said 'gujarat is a mess' i was like dude at least think before speaking!

  2. at 1st thanks to give such authentic information.....
    dude!u r real indian......we ve to get fight with these type of politicians & also we ve to fight with corruption.........

    it's a oldish style of congress,to campaign....they want to show their self as icon but shows others as undestimate.

    at 05/06/11, an hour after mid night,a attack by delhi police on ramdev's camp is ............
    that is ashamed.done by upa gov.

    after that p.m's nonsence statement "the things happend in ramleela is very sudden,but their is no other option"

    after 2 days, "the lok pal bill passed in the absent of anna's team"
    that's be the reasion of ashemed.......not that "i m indian"

    one suggession for nehru's family....if u feel to ashemed,as a indian then go to hell(italy)

    posted by : vikash kumar yadav

  3. Great article man ! I was not aware of many of these facts but hated the hypocrite and his gang of looters (The UPA) nonetheless. No matter how I look at it, I'm stuck at this question - How do we get the UPA out of power and if done, what do we do next ? The rest of the parties are corrupt too.
    What do we do then ?

  4. Awesome man!! Congress ki to aachi wali lag gai...
    really gr8 facts!!

  5. great job nitin....

  6. Superb classy!! The fact tht popular media hai been paid huge amount in their swiss accounts 2 hide te truth is very much true. Keep up the good work sir!!! Waitin 4 te next leek...

  7. jaya srivastava8 June 2011 at 02:14

    superb dude.........thnx fr such details.. i bet only a few indians must be aware of it...I hate rahul gandhi more now after I attended his NSUI campaign..Keep it up man!!!Hats off

  8. many many thanks 2 u....problem is as u stated v need 2 feed n think abt our families unlik these people....i support evrythin u say n waana help my country..just dnt knw hw...cnt evn join politics coz these people wil nvr let u put ur point forward...may b v need mre anna lik movements...i dnt say anna movement is clean bt cleaner dn most

  9. Thnx to all :)
    just spread this article as much as possible!
    Every INDIAN should know about it.
    Next leak will be published soon stay connected!
    Frends if you like this article then make a comment also. Don't be a silent readers

  10. very good collection of information. every information is necessary for every Indian.

  11. Great Work Dude.It should be passed to each Indian so that they will know real facts about Rahul gandhi and his party.

  12. in congress rule almost all indian feel the same. His family rule majority of the period after independence and where they reach full of scams corruption, minority politics, fake secularism bliday he is taking about ashamed to be an indian!

  13. Nitin thanks alot... there were many chapters of this dreed not know to me and may be to many... I sincerely appreciate your efforts for collecting the specific data abt this MF and the classic way of preparing and presenting the details. I have shared the link thru FB to let max people know abt the unknown facts....


  14. Raul Vinci = Rahul Gandhi
    Sonia Mainio Antonia = Sonia Gandhi

    Benetica = Priyanka Gandhi
    How can that bastard call himselfIndian. They are parasites and no more than that on this Country
    and he never become ashamed when 2g scam and cwc scam happened.Hippocratic bastard.he says anything for vote.he shouldsee tamilnadu election result to know what people think about 2g scam!

  15. very good bro...grand salute....we all must read these facts...and should support to anna hazare and baba ramdev type people....

  16. nice one.....

  17. Its high time people, please stop being fooled by congress any more, just throw them out of this country, otherwise they would rip you of the meals that you have , they are bloody worst terrorists , at least the terrorists across the border have a love for their people, these congress people are sucking our blood everyday, let us first get rid of them and then take care of the terrorists across the border.Please awake , arise and stop not till the goal is achieved.

  18. Its horrific..

  19. Hats-off to u nitin!
    I will certainly confess that after reading and going through All the real instances and interpretations which u have mentioned here...i realised,that even i had some really misleading information regarding lot of issues that hv happened in the past!
    Seriously...the facts and figures uv presented here r a real eye-opener fr many people having a false impression regarding 'THE deeds' of the Congress Party!
    It's like a perfect slap on the face of not just 'the individual' being spoken abt here,but also THE whole party which (in my opinion) is absolutely nothing more than a Hypocratic piece of BLOT on the name of DEMOCRACY!
    I sincerely hope,n wish...that this very soon reaches THE people i'm sure they won't have any answers to or justifications for the facts and figures presented here!

  20. u know all this has been floating around for years right? How about some original work ? most of your sentences are directly quoted from subramaniam swamy's speech..

    that said.. controversies always get the lime light.. not saying that all this is false.. but it sure is a nice to know such things.. human nature.. cant help it..

    Congress and its leaders are corrupt as fuck.. no denying that.. but all im saying is.. as brilliant as mr. swamy might be, every person has a mind of his/her own .. use it to think with .. rather than just blindly following what swamy is saying .. he is human too. he could be wrong some times..

  21. hey... thank u for d great work done, eye opener for all those who just blindly follow what is projected to them... i am an army officer and i in totality respect your work.... keep going....!!!!


  23. Thanks for revealing to us these important truths!

  24. Never knew so much.
    How can he even say-I am ashamed to be called Indian!! We all are making what is India right now and of which his own party plays such a big part.

    Am ashamed that India is sheltering such hypocrites.

  25. SILENT OBSERVER9 June 2011 at 06:03

    K O
    (No One Wins)
    great penmanship,but automatics are still mightier than the pen,so watch you bark dear man.
    After this you may become more accident prone,safety first,safety fast.

  26. SILENT OBSERVER9 June 2011 at 06:06

    K O
    (No One Wins)

    great penmanship,but automatics are still mightier than the pen,so watch you back dear man.
    After this you may become more accident prone,safety first,safety fast.

  27. Amazing piece of writing,entertaining,judgmental,fanatic,impulsive,a bit shortsighted too,as every coin has two sides,True Comparison can only be done if we hear what Rahul has to write(he may not wanna give you too much attention,as someone once said choose your enemies carefully, if he responds to this he might end up giving you media spotlight indirectly).
    but great work dear young man.
    Be careful and remain alert

  28. Hey Nitin,
    Interesting editorial. I am especially intrigued by your claim of the reciprocity principle as it relates to rights granted to citizens. I would like to read further on this subject and would appreciate if you could point me to your sources.


  30. Great information. We need get rid of all these idiots from our country. Not sure how.

  31. soni jiski mammi hai '

    wo sarkar nikkami hai.

    manmohan jiska tau hai.
    woh sarkar bkau hai.


    Manmohan ko fenk do...


  33. Rahul is simply, truly, really, surprisingly....... a bastard, son of a f***king b**ch...... Such persons must be dumped in a garbage container.....

  34. .....this is the most technically written SCRIPTURE (ofcourse with proof)i hav ever seen to end the so precise n informative that i can say only one word>>>>>MARVELLOUS.......... i hope this datawill add its impact towards ending the corruption...........
    .....................indian laws allows right to speak under peoples fundamental rights..... n r living example ...we support u for this article.share it so that to aware AAAM AADMI.........

  35. this topic needs to be spread all over the facebook and all social networking site.. hatts off to you bro. for your wrk!!

    i've shared this link on my fb wall each and evry group. evry indian should read about this topic even all contents are awesome!

  36. awesome man.....u just exposed the whole gandhi family...all r f**king a**h**es....they will sell our country for money....thnx bro

  37. Great Nonsense...who the hell is going to bother about these things!!!

    Like a scientific experiment it only makes out theories from the practical things to prove them that they are really practical.

    By the way it is India, and you can fool indians easily. May be thousands of such articles get published, i swear people just read and get angry and forget it in the timeline.

    Why should this idiot feel ashamed, the people should feel ashamed to live under such bureaucrats, the people should learn to fight against the corruption. As you said the youth should work to live, literally speaking how many are responsibly doing this? you can find only 0-5% of the youth is awaken and the rest is in trauma.

    See the change happening in the Middle east and african nations, the people are dying for their freedom, and people fighting and throwing the criminal and silly politicians.

    There might be many more mosquitoes sucking the blood of farmers and common people many times, the people just bare it and get habituated. There might be a cure for HIV or the most deadliest decease on earth but no cure for bureaucracy and hypocrisy

    You had done a great research on this idiot throwing the light on his achievements in his life, hope this message reaches him.


  38. I am not with any political party, but all things stated over here are without any proof.

    For example - "Rajiv Gandhi had a total of Swiss Franc 2.5 billion ($2.2 billion) in secret account In November 1991"

    What is the proof? How do you know?

    If you know this why don't you inform the Indian public about the proof? We ourselves will throw these people out. If you are concerned about India, then it is your responsibility to come out with the proof. If you have the proof and are not showing it then you are the same as the people you are writing against. If you do not have the proof then you should not say these things.

  39. To mr mahesh sabharwal......hey dear.... what will u do with the proofs?
    there are lots of proof for the 2G scam,cwc,adarsh socity scam and lots more.
    Have you did any thing with that pfoofs?

  40. Mahesh Sabharwal
    go here for proof


    Dear m not writing against anyone neither i ENDORSE ANY POLITICAL PARTY!

    btw thnx 2 all for your support!
    keep sharing n tweeting this link on social networking sites so that maxm numbr of ppl came to know bout it!
    thnx again guys :)
    keep liking n support!n us so that we can leak some more topic n truth like this.. we are working and collecting data on some leaks... keep visiting!

  41. so much of information,,thanks a lot dude,,,all politician are same,,hope we get a better india...

  42. seriously how does this guy has so much information about exact amount & currency and bloody everything ... but still dont hve enough money to buy a domain name using Blogspt how sad ? and using one of the worst template ever ...

  43. @anonymous - It is simple - I will decide whether or not to believe what is written in this article. If proof is there, then I will ask my friends to read this article and spread the word against the corrupt politicians. If there is no proof then I will not follow or believe what the author is saying.

    @theindia - Thanks for the link. However that does not give any proof. The article mentions to look at Annexure 10 for Rajiv Gandhi's account details. However the annexure 10 or image number 10 is just a letter from Yashwant Sinha thanking Subramanium Swamy for his letter. How does that prove that Rajeev Gandhi had billions of dollars in his account?

    Even the next article which is supposedly a letter from KGB is clearly a fraud because of 2 things:

    1. It mentions - unofficial translation. What is there to prove that this was not done by a BJP party person?

    2. The spelling of KGB's full name is wrong. The G stands for gosudarstvennoy and not gosudarstuennoy. My information about this comes from

    What it shows is a

  44. hey man don't delete posts that do not support your philosophy

  45. super piece here ...i always hated So called Gandhi family but after reading this i have more reasons to hate them ..i so want they are thrown out of our country ..great job..

  46. this iitian is a son of b.... becoz ask him did he went in quota .....definetly i am very sure...quota wala hai or 3-4 attempts meh hua huga...

  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. great job dude

  49. Great job ! Real eye opener. People like these makes us feel ashamed that we are born and raised in the same country


    With age comes Experience and wisdom.
    Wise understand that being alive as of today itself is no less than a miracle,Everything that occurs occurring for a reason which is beyond an individuals's 5 senses and limited mind-space.ask senior citizens,they will vouch for Peace,any topic that is Laced with Fanaticism and is biased or judges any topic as 'good' or 'bad' is inncorrect as in reality there is no good,no bad,no up no down,no black no white,no truth no lie.everything just is all our own interpretation.
    So If you are a believer or GOD then understand that he knows what he is doing and the bigger picture is usually only partially realized and that too upon the moments just before one's death or maybe even after.
    Those who don't believe in GOD are really fucked up and are angry and incomplete with their own parents and family,they blame to overcome the guilt and fears they hold within.
    Everyone must know that before we point a Finger towards any one or any thing,we must realise that 3 point towards us.
    So think before you speak and if you are wise remain Silent.
    NO ONE

  51. Iam an indian and Iam not ashamed because we have such dedicated indians to expose such lies God Bless You !

  52. thx for sharing the info. keep ding it
    but i just want to say that corruption is built into an economy baised society and as far as politics is conserned it will exist till the day money exists

    i would like people to enlighten themselves by watching "ZEITGEIST VIDEOS"

    U can dowmload them from youtube or elsewhere

    these will help u understand WORLD POLITICS

  53. great information...i have shared it on FB..n waitin for the next leak

  54. Spread it to all the collages to show real face of youth icon

  55. now rahul gandhi not commenting about the incident in ramlila maidan.why isn't he saying he is ashamed to call himself an indian.

  56. awesome dude... keep it on.. what congress goverment has done in ramleeia maidan... i strongly condemned him.. dont be silent here rahul baba every indian waiting for urs reply

  57. Ultimate revealation of facts. Thsi will open up millions of eyes against this corrupt congressmen. who have ruled India and are becoming even more dangereous than the Britishers. Superb. I will circulate this article and do my bit.

  58. Nitin,
    Once again, wanted to inquire about your claim to the reciprocity principle as it relates to rights granted to citizens. Can you point me to your sources?

  59. great piece of info and an eye opener for everybody....i think it's high time people of think wisely before electing and giving millage to these parasite, i'll say, that suck the blood, our hard earned money, and survive enjoying the luxuries of life....

  60. Very well put together all the facts, which are relevant to us as an indian, otherwise there are innumerable facts intelligently not mentioned here(personal aspect of their lives). we call visit the webiste of Mr. swami for these details with facts and copies been scanned to proove all this.

  61. Great job, Man. Great piece of work.

  62. great job !!!!!!!!! welldone

  63. Awesome man...Reqlly dont know what to say...but it really needs courgage to say this....

    nice job...keep blasting crooks on their back

  64. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  65. Great man very very nice..................

  66. Great man very very nice..............

  67. awesome article dude. thank you very much for this thing...

  68. If not Congress, then who?
    The BJP, Shiv Sena, MNS and now BABAs... The self imposing proteges of the culture and civilization, the killers of the intellectuals?

    I am ashamed that I live in a country...
    Which doesn't create anything. More it kills/kicks at least very few to count. Indian Picasso M.F.Husain who left his most loving city ahmedabad, country and subdue to imposed exile... what else he could do? Now he rest in peace. We don't need them.. we need PAISA locked in SWISS banks which is the biggest lollipop.

    Since 1985, many poets, artists are flying away from the land of Gandhi which is now pinted into total religious color.

  69. If not Congress, then who?
    The BJP, Shiv Sena, MNS and now BABAs... The self imposing proteges of the culture and civilization, the killers of the intellectuals?

    I am ashamed that I live in a country...
    Which doesn't create anything. More it kills/kicks at least very few to count. Indian Picasso M.F.Husain who left his most loving city ahmedabad, country and subdue to imposed exile... what else he could do? Now he rest in peace. We don't need them.. we need PAISA locked in SWISS banks which is the biggest lollipop.

    Since 1985, many poets, artists are flying away from the land of Gandhi which is now pinted into total religious color.

  70. all the comments are against congress ................
    seems this site is influenced by political intention...

  71. These thing need actions..but these so called Gandhis made the govt so much their family business there are no one to take the action against. You rightly mentioned we common people had lot of work to do for their day to day life earning as well as for the swis account of the vinci....So this information will have short time impact on common people..
    ..anyway great work..

  72. very well said brother...its the politicians like these who bring shame to our country...

  73. good facts....but lets discuss these together with author's real intension...
    Lets start from his disclaimer—“..WAS JUST TAKEN ABACK BY RAHUL GANDHI'S HYPOCRITICAL COMMENT AT THE RECENT FARMER AGITATION IN UTTAR PRADESH.”..WRONG….Rahul’s comment was not on the agitation of farmers but against the Govt’s policy to suppress it….

    Land Acquisition Bill: I’m not sure if it is the same bill that was made by Congress in its time…
    Lets suppose it to be the same…in those days population was not so much…there were lands to acquire without giving much trouble to the farmers…no force was ever used to acquire any land in congress time …..time has changed…needs have changed… Population has increased exponentially….and The Bill should have been changed in due course…and u can’t say that it was not changed before so we will also not change it…..that’s idiotic….
    There are lands away from the villages which can be used for setting up industries…y not acquire them…

    account holders in the Swiss Banks: Before taking this question to Mr. Mukharjee, ask this person if he really knows about the foreign policies….i also don’t know…but I can guess , if a foreign state is providing such a facilities like Swiss Bank Accounts….It won’t let you disclose the details so easily….

    Massacre of SIKHS in 84? No one…and I say it again,no one ordered massacre of sikh in 84..
    And why is he so curios for what happened in 84 when he was not even borne…. Y he did not raise his voice against Godhara Kand or even what is happening in UP today….I believe he has grown up enough for that….
    THE 72,000 CRORE LOAN WAIVER: If the Centre govt has to do everything, what are the state govts there for….
    Boston Airport Incident…. Hahahha….good one… now that is “..incidentally”….teh fact comes “incidently”…. really funny…..
    SACRIFICE DRAMA Of Sonia Gandhi: …well, why not call this one as “..incidentally”.. and even if she wanted to become PM, she could have done so when Congress came back to power in 2009….
    About the letter….yes, she was under pressure from the party members to do so…
    And y the rumours of her assassination by Bajrang Dal were not discussed in that blog….????
    Rahul’s Qualifications: Well , I don’t know much about that..but there r thousands of Indian studying abroad on donation… ..” Hinduja gave the money..”..huh.. has your family not been supported by ur frnds….
    Failed in Hindi: What is so surprising there…….tell me how many south Indians or north-east Indians can speak hindi properly…..
    Youth Icon.. I have nothing to say on this…may be u can put some comments on ‘y postmen or the daily passengers of local trains can not become youth icon’ … by the way, I’m gonna send this part to “sailors news “…they can publish this one as ‘OFF TRACK’ on some day…(Off Track is the part of Sailors News in which they publish one joke everyday)
    Gotta go …duty time… will be back soon……..

  74. hats off dude!! excellent work and must say excellent knowledge.. keep writing such stuffs so that everyone get to know whats going on at the bottom of their noses.. all the best:)

  75. Nrupen yeah bro. M F hussain passes away
    but Don't compare which "bad is good" ..."bad is bad"....

    Being such a popular person he should have respected sentiments of people and religion
    Weather its Hindu, Muslim or Christian!
    btw i think Father of Digvijay Singh dead. lol

  76. "Rahul gandhi should answer before INDIANS what he ment by that before asking for vote from same UP population"

  77. The top disclaimer says that the blogger does not belong to any political party but the contents shows a lot of bias

  78. bastard!f*** d rascal..y do pepl vote dis family?????

  79. superb article.wish d 'hooligans' n minorty who support n vote such pepl evr realise d foolishness dey r doin!!

  80. Good collection of facts, I didn't know most of them. Rahul Gandhi is a smart piece of shit who is trying to uplift face of congress by condemning corruption opening however doing very little aginst people corrupt in his own party. the smatness that they are playing is okay kalmadi just accept arrest or appear in court for some time till we win election again and we'll resolve your matter. Congress have always done like this or for that matter eevry politician in India has done the same. lets talk about BJP, hahaha.. well bunch of jokers, to me its seems that they knew that it won't be easy to come back in power so loot lo and now they way they are putting forward Ramdev (I see no difference in him and Rakhi sawant in all aspects, every thing for publicity) is rediculous.. well coming back to this article, indeed we need awareness however this awarness should reach to people who vote for congress because of whatever reasons... but the question remains same what options do we have???

  81. Good collection of facts, I didn't know most of them. Rahul Gandhi is a smart piece of shit who is trying to uplift face of congress by condemning corruption openly however doing very little against people corrupt in his own party. The smartness that they are playing is okay kalmadi just accept arrest and appear in court for some time till we win elections again and we'll resolve your matter. Congress have always done like this or for that matter every politician in India has done the same. lets talk about BJP, hahaha.. well bunch of jokers, to me its seems that they knew that it won't be easy to come back in power so loot lo and now the way they are putting forward Ramdev (I see no difference in him and Rakhi sawant in all aspects, everything for publicity) is ridiculous.. well coming back to this article, indeed we need awareness however this awareness should reach to people who vote for congress because of whatever reasons... but the question remains same what options do we have???

  82. Super write up ,the faceoff :-) .complete truth

  83. On the similar lines of hypocrisy.. the treatment given to Baba Ramdev's rally is not different than treatment given to UP farmers or treatment given to freedom fighters by the British. Why some Baba or Anna has to fight for this when you have anti-corruption dept, CBI, RAW, CID etc..

  84. Rahul is a also a corrupt & son of B****

  85. mayank dikshit12 June 2011 at 19:59

    i don't know why indian people always support gay type of peoples..
    fstly it waz sharukh/gayrukh khan.. n now this pizza boy/amul baby

  86. This IIT student should not forget that the very IIT that gave him his IIT tag... was given to the nation by Nehru :)

  87. @Surya: we are not telling congress party are terrorists. they do some development once in few years.. Nehru may have started IIT, but he didnt come and select the faculty or the board or anything. he just started IIT so that he will get 80% of the budget allocated to it!!

  88. Surya and his idiotic post...hahahaha

  89. i agree in all the points u have presented and u have presented them very well, but u dint highlight the fact that he is not Gandhi,but infact KHAN and so called mohandas karamchand gandhi have halped in covering up this. i still haunt the reason what made late mk gandhi let use his surname and help his associate Nehru in covering up that his daughter married to Feroz Khan?

  90. I agree with a few voices which are in a minority here that is against this post. I would say the article has great entertainment value but thoroughly lacks research.

    Like Samir, has asked how the Principle of Reciprocity applies to Citizens when it is a known fact that it applies to extradition treaties, bilateral trade, concessions and foreign ties between two countries. Word itself suggests its a principle.

    I have written a blog entry myself against few points that I found about this article were incorrect. Just a sorry state of affairs that we believe in every word people and join the hate brigade without even giving it a thought.

  91. khud pe sharam kar pahle .... r.gandhi
    desh se pyar karna sikho then politics kar!

  92. wat facts r u all talking about….ok lets talk about what he has written….
    Lets start from his disclaimer—“..WAS JUST TAKEN ABACK BY RAHUL GANDHI'S HYPOCRITICAL COMMENT AT THE RECENT FARMER AGITATION IN UTTAR PRADESH.”..WRONG….Rahul’s comment was not on the agitation of farmers but against the Govt’s policy to suppress it….

    Land Acquisition Bill: I’m not sure if it is the same bill that was made by Congress in its time…
    Lets suppose it to be the same…in those days population was not so much…there were lands to acquire without giving much trouble to the farmers…no force was ever used to acquire any land in congress time …..time has changed…needs have changed… Population has increased exponentially….and The Bill should have been changed in due course…and u can’t say that it was not changed before so we will also not change it…..that’s idiotic….
    There are lands away from the villages which can be used for setting up industries…y not acquire them…

    account holders in the Swiss Banks: Before taking this question to Mr. Mukharjee, ask this person if he really knows about the foreign policies….i also don’t know…but I can guess , if a foreign state is providing such a facilities like Swiss Bank Accounts….It won’t let you disclose the details so easily….

    Massacre of SIKHS in 84? No one…and I say it again,no one ordered massacre of sikh in 84..
    And why is he so curios for what happened in 84 when he was not even borne…. Y he did not raise his voice against Godhara Kand or even what is happening in UP today….I believe he has grown up enough for that….
    THE 72,000 CRORE LOAN WAIVER: If the Centre govt has to do everything, what are the state govts there for….
    Boston Airport Incident…. Hahahha….good one… now that is “..incidentally”….teh fact comes “incidently”…. really funny…..
    SACRIFICE DRAMA Of Sonia Gandhi: …well, why not call this one as “..incidentally”.. and even if she wanted to become PM, she could have done so when Congress came back to power in 2009….
    About the letter….yes, she was under pressure from the party members to do so…
    And y the rumours of her assassination by Bajrang Dal were not discussed in that blog….????
    Rahul’s Qualifications: Well , I don’t know much about that..but there r thousands of Indian studying abroad on donation… ..” Hinduja gave the money..”..huh.. has your family not been supported by ur frnds….
    Failed in Hindi: What is so surprising there…….tell me how many south Indians or north-east Indians can speak hindi properly…..
    Youth Icon.. I have nothing to say on this…may be u can put some comments on ‘y postmen or the daily passengers of local trains can not become youth icon’ … by the way, I’m gonna send this part to “sailors news “…they can publish this one as ‘OFF TRACK’ on some day…(Off Track is the part of Sailors News in which they publish one joke everyday)

  93. wat facts r u talking about….ok lets talk about what he has written….
    Lets start from his disclaimer—“..WAS JUST TAKEN ABACK BY RAHUL GANDHI'S HYPOCRITICAL COMMENT AT THE RECENT FARMER AGITATION IN UTTAR PRADESH.”..WRONG….Rahul’s comment was not on the agitation of farmers but against the Govt’s policy to suppress it….

    Land Acquisition Bill: I’m not sure if it is the same bill that was made by Congress in its time…
    Lets suppose it to be the same…in those days population was not so much…there were lands to acquire without giving much trouble to the farmers…no force was ever used to acquire any land in congress time …..time has changed…needs have changed… Population has increased exponentially….and The Bill should have been changed in due course…and u can’t say that it was not changed before so we will also not change it…..that’s idiotic….
    There are lands away from the villages which can be used for setting up industries…y not acquire them…

    account holders in the Swiss Banks: Before taking this question to Mr. Mukharjee, ask this person if he really knows about the foreign policies….i also don’t know…but I can guess , if a foreign state is providing such a facilities like Swiss Bank Accounts….It won’t let you disclose the details so easily….

    Massacre of SIKHS in 84? No one…and I say it again,no one ordered massacre of sikh in 84..
    And why is he so curios for what happened in 84 when he was not even borne…. Y he did not raise his voice against Godhara Kand or even what is happening in UP today….I believe he has grown up enough for that….
    THE 72,000 CRORE LOAN WAIVER: If the Centre govt has to do everything, what are the state govts there for….
    Boston Airport Incident…. Hahahha….good one… now that is “..incidentally”….teh fact comes “incidently”…. really funny…..
    SACRIFICE DRAMA Of Sonia Gandhi: …well, why not call this one as “..incidentally”.. and even if she wanted to become PM, she could have done so when Congress came back to power in 2009….
    About the letter….yes, she was under pressure from the party members to do so…
    And y the rumours of her assassination by Bajrang Dal were not discussed in that blog….????
    Rahul’s Qualifications: Well , I don’t know much about that..but there r thousands of Indian studying abroad on donation… ..” Hinduja gave the money..”..huh.. has your family not been supported by ur frnds….
    Failed in Hindi: What is so surprising there…….tell me how many south Indians or north-east Indians can speak hindi properly…..
    Youth Icon.. I have nothing to say on this…may be u can put some comments on ‘y postmen or the daily passengers of local trains can not become youth icon’ … by the way, I’m gonna send this part to “sailors news “…they can publish this one as ‘OFF TRACK’ on some day…(Off Track is the part of Sailors News in which they publish one joke everyday)

  94. All these facts are already there in youtube videos by Dr. Subramaiam Swamy and may be true also. But what we are hearing are only one side of the coin. Who verifies them. I am not saying these are false and also I dont support Rahul G also. But this article looks more political to me. Though you can have different opinion.

  95. Fuck that rahul, mumma's boy..... Tell him that after independence his family RULED maximum time on this country. Aur kya kiya uski family ne...? Pure india ki @#**&% di....
    Aur iss kamine me political leader banne ke koi gun nahi...!!
    Bt prob ye ho rahi hai k saamne waali party me vaajpayee ke jaane ke baad ek bhi aisa leader nahi bacha jo pure country ko sambhaal sake.... Is desh ka ku6 nahi ho sakta.... Aur kam se kam ye mumma's boy to ku6 bhi nahi kar payega.... Vo aaj is position pe he to sirf is liye kyu ki uski surname "GANDHI" hai....

  96. great blog, now i am going to share it on my wall

  97. jab tak congrees sarkar rahega desh bhand main jata rahega

  98. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam supports Bharat Swabhiman Andolen initiated by Baba Ramdev and Rajiv Dixit..

  99. The Congress is paranoid about RSS. It sees RSS in everything even if it is public anger. It is time for the Congress to clean up its act before they get engulfed in public anger

  100. Note: I am niether a supporter of Congress nor Rahul Gandhi.

    1. Don't mix personal matters with National Politics. Every one has rights to fail in exam & build relationship with a girl irrespective of her father is a freedom fighter or head of drug mafia.
    2. Some points are silly
    3. Why this article should be named as " Exposed by IITan " ... is this a publicity stunt ?
    4. If you really want to publish truth first develop investigating articles of all influencing personalities in Politics. Not just one person. Let readers take decisions

  101. prashant trilochan19 June 2011 at 02:49

    @Vijay NN
    all nehru family are a corrupted
    they are using gandhi name for money only!

  102. I don’t know , Is some one is thinking that Indian Parliament is the training centre for Nehru Family ?
    Please remember that India is a democratic Country and there is no need to focus on one family . Even the story of Nehru ji is also known to everybody that what he done for India , only due that we are facing problem in J&K . Mr.Rahul is not different from others in India and he cannot rule the country . There is no matter for thinking about somebody from that family as nobody is there. Mrs Sonia is not having the knowledge of Indian Culture also. So this type of news we are not expecting from yahoo. Firstly Rahul will come to the bottom level of administration and learn what is administration and management . By taking an MBA no body can manage at least a proprietorship concern , then how we have to think about Mr.Rahul become the PM of India. We dont need any rubber stamp model govt. also

  103. Cool... becoming a seasoned politican is to have a mark in all the places mentioned above... There would still be a majority of people voting for GANDHI family and such idiots.. he should be driven out of the country with his family members....before the next elections

  104. Raul vinci so called rahul gandhi is most corrupted man in india i think his cousin varun is better than the highly corrupted party in india is i.n.c for sure.

  105. Raul vinci so called rahul gandhi is most corrupted man in india i think his cousin varun is better than the highly corrupted party in india is i.n.c for sure.

  106. Great work. We the true citizens of India are ashamed of ourselves that we elect people like him. Not only him, Truth should come out about all these politicians who rule us. I salute Baba Ramdev for his effort to fight this injustice. And I salute people like you who take this effort to strip this traitors. I request the readers to read the NAKED TRUTH ABOUT SONIA GANDHI at

  107. great
    theindia leak i like ur effort

  108. आज का सच जो रमेश्वर् आर्य यानी की मेरी खुद की सोच हे और मेरे जैसे करोड़ो लोगों की सोच हे की भारत गुलाम हे और आप को जल्द ही इसका पता लग जाएगा मे आज बहुत दुखी हूँ भारत की आज की स्तित्तियों को लेकर की हम आज़ाद नही हें हम गुलाम हें और अगर आज हम नही जागे तो आने वाला समय हम सब के लिए काल बन कर आ रहा हे देश बचाओ जागो मेरे देशभक्त दोस्तों भारत माता की जय हो वन्दे मातरम or or

  109. The problem is that media has sold out to congress for huge monetary benefits. The english language media including English news channels are openly pro Govt. and the Hindi news channels are busy showing episodes of comedy circus, saas bahu serials and fake astologers, making sure that public is preoccupied with cricket, cinema and trivial issues. we must first have an independent media in Hindi, English and all regional languages, which can expose the truth day in and out without fear and favor.Don't expect BJP or opposition parties to take up these issues because they are two sides of the same coin

  110. Guys dont make hoopla of this article. A well read person has all this information. And the things you are calling facts, are mostly claims by Swami only. But Did anyone cared to check Swami's own history. His 80% cases gone wasted and were utter claims. Its just 2G case where he is becoming part of the general awareness.

  111. Fantastic need a salute from all the youth of nation

  112. gREAT....gREAT....gREAT....gREAT....gREAT....gREAT....

  113. Good post, were not aware of these facts

  114. I salute the person bringing out these facts.we never knew they are so dishonest & looting the Nation.

  115. The best thing we people of India can do is Total Elimination of Congress from India.

  116. Hello - what is all this? Give me time to check the authenticity of the article.

  117. MAM FOR authenticity of the article CONTACT



  118. rahul gandhi india ka futuere hai pakistan se salam aapko.... tum hindu log madherchod ho pakistan zindabad

  119. And yet you have the guts to call your self above politics ... what was it that you wrote in your disclaimer ?? That you dont endorse any party ?? My friend , yes we indians are fools and fall for everythign written on the web ... but this is utterly malicious . You have spent half the blog trying to establish that the gain he has is from "Gandhi " name . You conveniently ommitted the fact that Mrs Indira Gandhi ( irrespective of the debate of the word Gandhi )
     was a mass leader . You also conveniently chose to ignore the fact that even today the congress asks for votes on Indira , Rajiv and Nehru legacy .
    You can continue writing these blogs and there always will be people who will love your writing , but unfortunately im not one of them .

    Funnily you forgot to mention the Sukanya episode ? or was it just to ensure that your credentials as " Politically impartial " remain intact?
